I found a strategy in Image Grammar that allowed me to continue practicing my zooming and layering skills. The strategy asked me to listen to instrumental music and paint a scene using the music as inspiration. I took full advantage of specific nouns, specific verbs, participles, appositives, prepositional phrases, and adjectives out of order to create brush strokes.

Image Grammar by Harry R. Noden
Chapter 8: Story Grammar and Scenes
Strategy 4: Use Music to Paint Scenes
    Scanning the plains of battle, Eagles fly over the carnage. The smell of blood hangs in the air above the fighting. Men crooked and broken lay scattered across the vast expanse. This was a national park, Yellow Stone, but now it is the site of Armageddon. The sound of death is all that can be he heard anymore. Broken bones, severed limbs, and sharp blades are the instruments of this hellish orchestra. Welcome to Hell on Earth.
    Meditating before battle, the hero prepares for a storm. Warriors tall and strong lined-up on different sides of a battle field. Masked men, Samurai, glide across the plains rallying their troops. Thunder rages in the sky and lightning crashes toward Earth. A battle fierce and destructive unleashes on the ground. Glory is given to those that survive.  

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