Traveling through time and cyberspace, I have been involved with many different types of new media technologies. It has been approximately a nine year journey. During this span of time, I have seen the rise and fall of a few different new medias. There was even a time when Facebook did not control peoples lives. You do not have to believe me but I lived it.
    I think that the first new media technology I can remember taking part in was MSN Messenger. That was probably somewhere around 2004 and I was still in middle school. It was definitely the first time I had encountered my friends electronically. I used the program until it became obsolete for me and I made the upgrade to Facebook.
    My relationship with Facebook started November 20th, 2006. I have been devoted to the site for seven years now, only abandoning it once for about three months sometime in 2011. I use Facebook mostly to exercise my creativity and promote the things that my friends and I create. A group of my friends and I created a group we all moderate called "The Free Thinkers Club". I guess that my other uses for Facebook include using it as a communication tool and as a time waster. Facebook is by far my favorite new media tool.
    After establishing myself on Facebook, I set up a YouTube account. I have to say that was probably in 2009. I have yet to upload any videos to my channel. I do make comments on videos that catch my attention. I also promote videos I like by sharing them to Facebook. YouTube for me is pretty much just for entertainment.
    My latest new media endeavor is this freshly minted blog. I have high hopes for this  little corner of cyberspace. I want to post my Trojan Times articles to the home page of this blog, as well as add some of the creative writing I will be doing this semester. I dream of having a few different writers posting blogs to this site. I want to use this blog to promote myself and whoever else wants a place to for there thoughts.
    My new media experiences are only just beginning. There are still plenty of new medias that I have yet to venture into and explore. I have been kind of a late bloomer when it comes to new media, but that time has ended. I look forward to the possibilities that are ahead of me and the evolution of newer new medias.

Dillon Dwyer     

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