Darth Vader by Romero Britto
    It looks like YouTube is thinking about changing its ways and joining the dark side of the force. YouTube is actually thinking about introducing paid content to their new media powerhouse of a website. Here is the link to the article, YouTube Expected to Experiment With Paid Subscriptions for Some Channels.
     Is this the fate of all free things? First, we started charging people to "own" land. Then, we started paying money to drink water. Now, we are looking at taking the best part of YouTube, the fact that its free, and saying that we need more money. 
    If this really does happen and YouTube takes its first steps towards becoming a paid programming provider, I will be disappointed. The Evil Empire will have spread its reach a little further in the galaxy. Freedom will have once again been corrupted by a desire for more money, and all the beautiful reasons that I once loved YouTube will possibly become all the same reasons I hate television.

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