Over the weekend, I have been traveling around the internet checking out some of my fellow classmates blogs. I found a lot of cool things that gave me ideas about what I should be doing more of on my own blog.
    I noticed a lot my classmates were posting more images to their blogs than I have been doing. I really liked the balance of images and text that Laura Bieber has going on her Invisible Zombie Girlfriend blog. Nothing melts the heart and brings people to your blog like adorable kittens. The cuteness is hard to resist. Another blog that does a great job using images and video is Ashley Rieger's A Study in New Media. Almost all of her posts have a picture to go along with them. Both blog's visual appeal benefit from having images to look at as well as text.
    Another really cool thing that a few of my classmates have been doing with their blogs is adding  goodreads widgets. Vanessa Carlson's Screams in Silence blog and Alysia Derry-Chavez's The Sounds of Writing blog both have there own goodreads widget. I really like the idea of sharing good books with other people. Hopefully, I can get my own goodreads widget put up on here soon.
    Overall, I think all my classmates are doing a great job blogging. If your interested in getting into blogging, you should check out some of the blogs I have links to on my page. There are tons of great ideas spread out through each of them.

Dillon Dwyer

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